Friday, 24 May 2013

There's a hole in my bucket.

So here we are, we are living in our new home and have been since BH weekend, the work is 75% completed now and although financial constraints are making me be patient I can see the end in sight.
For the first time in over 20 years we have a garden of our own and as much as I am really chuffed with it I have to admit to being surprised at just how Trevor has reacted to this over grown badly ignored patch of land.
He has almost reverted to his younger days in his enthusiasm and ideas and efforts he is putting into the garden.....
Hang on I need to clarify that statement, not all of the garden is enjoying his attention, apparently the garden is to have a little pickit fence about half way up, the bottom half is to be lawned with a flower bed running up one side and a patio (that is already there)
This half of the garden is mine the grand kids and anyone else who comes to sit out and enjoy the summer days/evenings.
The top half of the garden is to be his domain, it houses his 'man shed' a 3/4 built greenhouse that has taken over his days and late Into the evenings for the past week, it will also have a vegetable patch and a cloche that currently has strawberries growing in it. 
It is this half of the garden that has had all of his attention and caused him to forget that he has a wife who can't make dinner or even a cup of tea at times, when reminded he appears quite sheepishly from the structure that is now beginning to resemble a greenhouse or the depths of his shed.
Friends have been literally dragged down the garden to view his half painted shed, his shelves he has put up in there and now of course the greenhouse, often they end up helping with the construction and I dare say their wives sit at home wondering what on earth their husbands are doing until all hours round at our house.
My girls and I had a conversation on the best way to get his attention when he is busy in his shed or his greenhouse and I need something, we went from the sensible.....a bell of some sort to the air rifle, to the sublime......a paintball gun....different colours to be fired at the greenhouse windows suggesting different levels of need.
I tend to go between all 3 ideas at the moment depending on how frustrated with him I am. 
Why should I feel such frustration you may ask? Or maybe you don't but no matter because I am going to tell you anyway.
As I said earlier the house is about 75% finished, the kitchen is still the major job to be done but that is having to wait until we can afford decorating materials, this doesn't concern me as the room is workable with fitted cupboards ( 1 of which is waiting for its door handle) nice vinyl flooring ( waiting to be stuck down) a new ceiling ( part of which still needs doing, oh and the big pipe in the corner still needs boxing in)
Then there's the hall, decorated, flooring laid ( oh apart from the edgings)
Ah and the lovely living room, beautiful room all finished ( well it will be when 2 pieces of skirting and a door goes on)
Do you see a pattern developing here?
He has earned himself the name of half a job Bob with our family and friends which he wears with pride.
So we are back to the patient wife, smiling lovingly at her husband while he throws his soul and his energy into the precious greenhouse day after day, night after night until its too dark to see, not nagging as I suffer cold air blowing through when he leaves the back door open because there's no kitchen door to close as yet, not getting whiny as I dehydrate through lack of fluids day after day ( ok ok I'm exaggerating just a bit)
But you get the picture I'm sure. 
As good as I have been something must have alerted him to the fact my patience was wearing thin ( could it have been the overly sweet smile perhaps) as he covered his back by promising that the first rainy day would be spent doing all the little jobs in the house..... Woohoo
So today it rained, it chucked it down all day.....
Apparently every job required the cutting of wood etc, this he couldn't do in the house because of the mess it would make, it also required his power tools and any fool knows you can't use them outside today, why? Because its RAINING!!!!


TONY LETTS said...

lol it did

Jane said...

Hmm, I have a husband who often never seems to finish something before beginning something else. However he is completely selfless and will always do things for me or the dogs before himself. Despite my pleas to do the things he wants to.

I guess it shows just how excited and happy Trevor is to have his own little 'pad'. I can see how that would be all-consuming, but doesn't help you much. You are at the mercy of him remembering you, how long it is since you last had a drink etc. Perhaps I should send Eric over to give him some training?