Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Hello New Year

And so As I edge my way into 2013 I ask myself what has this new year got in store for me?

Let us have a quick look at 2012 before we look to the future.
A year ago tomorrow we were accepted onto the councils transfer list, I had to accept that it was time to look for a more suitable home for me to live in. Not only for the immediate future but also looking at long term.
As my medical condition has progressed more it has become obvious that this house is no longer appropriate for me, The steps outside of my front door stop me from going in and out freely, and the narrow hallways and doorways are never going to be adequate for a wheelchair and as much as I have pushed against it that is what is in my future.
The communal garden has not been accessible to me for years now and that probably is What I miss the most the ability to be able to go outside whenever I choose.
Nothing suitable came up during last year and so I take my hopes and my dreams for a new home forward with me into this year.

My medical condition – disability has progressed during the year unfortunately And this has brought new challenges, Some losses And many adjustments to not just my lifestyle but the lifestyle of those around me including my husband who has had to learn what being a carer means.
I have both started and stopped many new medications during the year and I'm currently half way through the latest that my consultant wished me to try, PUVA Treatment.
Although as stated there have been losses in the past year one thing that I'm pleased to say I have never lost and has got me through many a dark time is my sense of humour, hopefully that will be something that I will always be able to hold on to.

Of course our family has grown over the year, the two youngest grandsons who this time last year weren't able to get around are now mini tornadoes who both delight and exhaust when they visit.
Our third grandson turned five during the year and started school where he has settled in beautifully and proved himself to be a pleasant polite and very clever young man.
Our very pretty granddaughter started senior school (I know I really don't look old enough to have a granddaughter at senior school) and seems to be settling well into the more structured routine of a grown up school.
So as you can see it appears all of my grandchildren take after me, lucky kids!

Molly our delightful addition to our family as a tiny puppy at the beginning of last year has now reached her full size And has fitted so beautifully into our lifestyle that I can't imagine our family without her now. Trevor who took all the convincing to allow me to have the puppy in the first place spoils her something terrible, she follows him everywhere and absolutely adores him And he her although if ever pointed out to him it is denied vehemently!
Bobcat makes up our family, as a 10 year old ginger ninja we feared that he may not allow Molly access to our home as for all that time he has been kingpin.
But we needn't have worried, not only did he accept her, after teaching her who was boss he now chases her around and teases her mercilessly.

I can't end this review of last year without mentioning this cruel government and the benefits – welfare fiasco.
Those of you that follow me on twitter or Facebook or indeed know me in person will know that I had my own fight to keep my disability benefits last year, thankfully after much tooing and froing and evidence from doctors consultants et cetera the DWP finally saw sense.
I can only describe the feeling caused by the changes to welfare and the cruelty of what is being said and done to sick and disabled people as anxiety and fear that has stayed with me for the whole year.
I won't go into much detail in this blog as throughout the year I have written many blogs on this subject that you are welcome to look back on, I do however want to say that to have to live your life in fear of your government taking away from you the meagre amount that they pay you to survive on is a horrific way to have to spend your life and I am very aware that that feeling will remain with me in the coming year as there are certainly more battles ahead.

One more thing that I really must cover in this blog that is so positive and has done me so much good this year and that is to thank the friends that I have found through Twitter and Facebook that have become very firm friends Through the year, People to laugh with, commiserate with, cry with at times, fight with, support and get support from has undoubtedly kept me going.

and so to all my family and friends I hope that your look back at your last year with all its ups and downs has still been okay and that you can look forward with me to this year and know that whatever it brings good, bad or indifferent we face it together........

1 comment:

Jane said...

Great post as always Penny. I have the joy of ESA migration from IB to come in 2013. However I also have archery and speedway to look forward to.

No matter what lies ahead this year we will get through it because we are friends who support each other and others besides. We deserve a bit of a break this year surely???